Describe your project timeline, place and business terms and choose what type of specialists do you need. In two days we provide you with the first pool of specialists suitable for your project. You will get an email notification with the list of handpicked resumes.
Self-service solution for booking and ordering resources and services through an automated procurement rule-based workflow.
Discover only available resources at a given time and places and reduce time to contract project-based resources from wide range of supplier.
Work only with verified suppliers to minimize risks and boost performance. Use clients reviews to ensure the quality of suppliers.
Velocity and a wide range of specialists meet the highest standards of our company. Moreover, a capability to share underutilized work time of specialists is an fruitful practice to optimize HR management.
The platform builds suitable toolkit for corporate resource sharing and brings a well-established practice of outsourcing to new heights providing reliable and relevant information directly from market participants.
Sharing of underutilized resources is a promising model to overcome skills gap issue. Corporate sharing model opens opportunities for companies to mutually cooperate and decrease projects risks.